Informative Presentation


The informative presentation part of this course consists of an outline and speech video. Basically an informative speech is a speech that delivers information clearly to an audience. An informative speaker is responsible for researching on the topic provided and presents a detailed presentation in a very clear and concise manner. The basic theme of an informative speech is the information; therefore, proper understanding of the topic is very important. An informative speech should be an outcome of the thorough study. An informative speech is required in almost all fields, whether you are software professional or a nonprofessional, you may require to share information with your subordinates and managers. Keeping this perspective in mind, we can say that the informative speech is the key factor for success of a professional irrespective of the field he or she belongs to. My speech was about being and EMT-b and how the experience was for me. I just informed my audience about the profession to open their eyes about what Emergency Medical Technicians do.

Click Here to View Outline:

File Size: 31 kb
File Type: doc
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Click HERE to View PowerPoint:

File Size: 240 kb
File Type: pptx
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This website is displaying all Rachel Tricarico's assignments in her Freshman English 15 class. Also other information about Rachel is also on this page.